Our People

Jenni-Lee Reardon

Social Work Counsellor/Romiromi

Jenni-Lee Reardon is a practitioner in Māori romiromi and mirimiri at Ata Bodywork. She connects through kōrero, intuitive movement and breath work, to clear blockages, rebalance and realign.

I have come and still sit in a space of counselling/therapist but with a cultural lense

Ko Rangataiki te awa

Ko Putauaki te maunga

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Ngā Maihi te hapū

Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi

Ko Tūteao te marae

Ko Jenni-Lee taku ingoa

My space is a place of peace, where you leave your to-do list at the door. You can pick it up on your way out, but this is a neutral space. 

People will have emotional releases, and we sit with that. They have a right to release in a safe environment and not be judged. Tears are a sign of strength because it means we’ve gone deep. You’ve got to be gentle on yourself. The world’s a harsh place.

As we’re working with the body, there are challenging moments. But the secret is: breathing gets us through. My treatments are not a place where you come and fall asleep. I want you to experience it. People are on the table because of mamae, because of sadness, because of troubles. But sometimes they just want that connection. It’s a beautiful place to just release what we manage on a day-to-day basis.

I also work with a beautiful treatment flowpresso - it’s intriguing. It’s a hands-off treatment, delivered through a compression suit with infrared warmth as well. It works up through your body, like a massage with many hands.  Flowpresso is like experiencing the science behind hugs - but without conditions. The treatment allows your body to go into a parasympathetic state of rest and restoration, it promotes gentle detoxification and flushes your lymphatic system.

It's that “ah ha” breathe out .